Here's to the third Father's Day you are not celebrating with us.
To Nana, who will remember her son and grandchildren
A little more fondly this day.
To Me, a daughter, who no longer has a father to make a card for,
Or to call this day in June.
To the days you drove me home from school, just the two of us
(and the dollar bag of chips I talked you into buying me once a week)
To the days we knew we were in trouble when we heard your keys,
Attached your belt side, rattle down the hallway.
Here's to the three new granddaughters you have that will not know their 'Tata'
Here's to the bottle of tequila still sitting on the liquor store shelf
That was meant as your gift.( Because let's face it, it was your favorite)
No neck ties or rounds of golf for you.
Simplicity was your daily mantra.
Here's to you, the man who worked hard everyday of his life,
But still had enough energy to put us kids in our place at the end of the day.
Here's to the man who now resides in your house,
in your domain, the place where your life ended.
Here's to the days we spent at your bedside,
And the days we spent planning your farewell.
To the hopes, wishes and prayers that you could have stayed,
Could have lived a little longer.
To the others who touched your life, may they think of you today as well.
While our memories may be scant and varied,
you will forever be our Dad and we remember you on this day.
your daughter,
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